He/him German 25 yrs old Furry into chastity, diapers and most things kinky. Gay as hell and single Hit me up if you like, I won't bite ;) unless you use gen AI then fuck off
Больше информации
Orientation: Gay
Looking For: Action/Sex
Height: 6' (183 CM)
Body Type: Bear
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Hair Color: Dark Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Cut/Uncut?: Cut
Dick Size: 4.5" (11 CM)
Sex Position: Bottom
ABDL Style: Mostly Diaper Lover
Into Daddy RolePlay?: Yes
Into Big Bro RolePlay?: Yes
Daddy or be Daddied?: Being Daddy
Big Bro or Getting Big Bro'd?: Getting Big Bro'd
Puppy Play?: Would like to try!
Furry?: Yes
Sissy?: Would Like To Try It!
I Wear Diapers: I can go long periods without wearing diapers.