
Moo moo W

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I Love Plastic Baby Pants
Wearing Plastic Pants Again When I was about 13 I discovered ************. Suddenly a new world opened up for me. At some point I began thinking about what it would be like to try on a pair of plastic pants again.

My mother had an old shower cap in the back of the bathroom cabinet. One night I swiped it and cut leg holes in it and tried it on. The holes I cut started to tear and the waist was way too tight but for all intensive purposes I made a pair.

I also experimented with big garbage bags making a top and pants outfit. They were fun but I wanted to get a real pair of baby's plastic pants. I'd seen them at stores but I couldn't get up the nerve to go buy them.

My next door neighbors would have me take care of their house when they would go on vacation. They also had a 2 year old daughter who I'd seen wearing disposable diapers. I began to wonder if she wore plastic pants. The next time they left town I went straight to her room and had a look. In the closet were Pampers. In the bottom drawer of the changing table there were 4 pairs of plastic pants!

I pulled a pair out and looked closely at them. They were your classic Gerber plastic pants with the light texture on the outside. I think they might've even been a lilac color. 2 of them were Toddler size and looked big enough for me to wear. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my body as I took my pants off, stepped into the leg holes and carefully pulled them up over my hips.

The plastic felt cool against my skin. I ran my hands over the textured surface enjoying the sensation. It was a snug fit but I was wearing a real pair of plastic pants again.

I took them home and put them on again at bedtime. I thought about doing something babyish so I got on my hands and knees and slowly crawled around my room. The plastic pants were making a delightful crinkling sound as I moved, a sound I'd always secretly loved. I thought about the times I'd heard that sound as little kids walk by and think to myself that they were lucky. For every time I'd seen a mother changing her kid's diapers and then putting a fresh pair of plastic pants over them I'd secretly wish it were me. I looked over my shoulder at the plastic pants I was wearing and smiled. It was my turn now.

Hi, this was a story I found on the net and it very much sums up my early start to plastic pants, hope you enjoy it and your own pleasures.
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